Company Fundamentals API Trial


Company Fundamentals API

Request a free trial of Xignite's FactSet Fundamentals API which offers financial statement data and daily calculated fundamental data for over 78,000 companies from 118 countries across North America, Latin America, EMEA, and Asia-Pacific, as curated and reported by FactSet. The stock and company fundamental data is rigorously gathered and cross-checked by data teams from FactSet Research Systems.

Key Features

  • Extensive global coverage of a full range of data covering North America, Latin America, EMEA, and Asia-Pacific
  • Fundamentals are subject to normalization by FactSet. Values may not exactly match those from the original financial statements.
  • FactSet's company coverage is determined by the following factors: Market Capitalization, Index Constituents, Broker Coverage, Size, and Importance of Market.
  • Coverage of company-specific details, sector/industry classifications, summaries of financials, and key statistics (P/E ratios, Market Capitalization, Latest Fiscal EPS, etc.)
  • Company identification by symbol, ISIN, CUSIP, Valoren, or CIK
  • Request one or many data points with a single API call.
  • Request financial statement, classification and calculated data for one or many companies simultaneously.
  • Preliminary financial filing updates are typically available within 2 to 4 business days. Final financial filing updates are typically available within 6 to 16 business days.
  • Fundamental types are grouped by the following categories: Profile and Key Metrics (Group A), Advanced Ratios (Group B), Financial Statements (Group C), Calculated (Group Calculated), and Prices (requires a subscription to XigniteGlobalHistorical).
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We found Xignite's APIs to be very easy to work with and implement, offering multiple data formats. We've also discovered that as StockTwits expands internationally, Xignite's broad global coverage means that adding international market data is a simple and straightforward proposition."

Chris Corriveau, CTO

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