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Stream hourly currency exchange rates for 150 currencies with Xignite PubNub Block

Jan 27, 2017 By Kerry Langstaff Categories - Product Updates

Stream hourly

Xignite is now a member of PubNub BLOCKS Catalog! With the Xignite block for global currency exchange rates, you can stream hourly currency exchange rates for 150 currencies, including all majors. View the tutorial


Take a look at the great tutorial overview of the Xignite block. In it, you will see an example of how to “process real-time currency quote requests from an HTML5 AngularJS application with a modest 29-line PubNub JavaScript BLOCK and 85 lines of HTML and JavaScript.” You’ll also learn how to get started with an Xignite API, obtain PubNub developer keys and set up the block.

“In the ever-connected world of global financial markets, business and consumer applications, things move fast. With PubNub and Xignite Global Currency API, applications can have the most up-to-date exchange rates at their fingertips.”


Kerry Langstaff

Kerry Langstaff

Chief Marketing Officer

Kerry Langstaff spearheads marketing and partnership efforts at Xignite. She is passionate about driving fintech innovation and has spoken at numerous fintech events around the world. 

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